Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In The Beginning

232.2 lbs.  Yikes.  Wasn't expecting that when I stepped on the scale today.  I am now at the heaviest I have ever been.  This has got to stop.  I absolutely cannot allow that number to get any bigger.  List of reasons why:
  1. I'm almost to the point where I need to wear hubby's shirts and basketball shorts in order to not be in the nude all the time because I'm outgrowing all my clothes.  I have ten pairs of jeans...and I can only wear two of them.
  2. I'm having a hard time bending over to tie my shoes.  Yeah...it's that bad.  I've taken to wearing flats or flip-flops, but that won't help me in the winter.
  3. (Getting a little personal here) My sex drive is pretty much at a zero.  Even in those rare times that I do feel the need, I feel disgusting the entire time and it better be at night and no lights on or it's not happening.
  4. I'm feeling very depressed and cry or get mad over just about anything even remotely "insulting"...regardless if it's about my weight issue or not.  Most of these things are intended as jokes, but I fly off the handle anyway.
  5. Hubby and I are planning on trying for kids soon and I'm nowhere near healthy enough to carry a child...and if I continue the path I'm on, I won't live long enough to see them grow up.
Those are some pretty big motivators, right?  One would think so, but all 5 of those reasons have been valid for the last 6+ months and I just can't seem to change anything.  I'm really good at making excuses for why I can't/don't workout/eat healthy.  All I'm doing is hurting myself and I HAVE to stop.  This is the turning point.  My grocery list will be very different this week.  I will take my dog for daily walks and I will go with my husband to workout.  I'm going to stop snacking on junk and eating at fast food places.  I will update this blog each week with my progress to see where I was and where I'm heading.  I'm setting a goal for myself to lose 80 lbs over the next year.  That is an average of 1.5 lbs per week.  That's a safe, healthy, easily attainable number and I WILL do it this time.  Next week, I'll be at least 1.5 lbs lighter...Here I go!